Club Meeting

Second Monday of Each Month
6:00 PM Dinner
6:30 PM Meeting

Western Sizzlin' Restaurant
(WV 68 just off the
Ravenswood exit of US 50W)

Join The Club and Dues | History
146.970 MHz (-) PL 91.5(OL)
147.390 MHz (+) PL 91.5(OL)
444.725 MHz (+) PL 91.5(OL)
14.105 LSB
7.104 LSB

Weekly NET Tuesday
Join Us @ 9:00 PM EST
This weeks Net Controller
Jerrold (KA8NJW)

Buffalo NET
Weekly on Thursday
Join Us @ 8:30 PM EST
28.405 USB

History of the Park Radio Klub

This is a short history of the Parkersburg Amateur Radio Klub, At the very beginning known as Blennerhassett Amateur adio Klub.

This is the narrative provided by one of the first members of the club, Mark Schauwecker.

The reason I remember all of this is because I was there, also it’s now easier for me to remember things that happened a long way back then it is to remember what I had for breakfast. You youngsters will recognize that one day.

My dad‘s name was Ernie W8BWT he received his license in January 1948. It took him three tries to pass the 13 words per minute test, boy was he proud. In June of that year Dupy Hefner W9MIT, invited dad and me to go to the eastern panhandle and participate in field day with his son Bill now WA4SPG.

We went to the eastern panhandle because the club the Dupey had been in before was located there. I remember the food was excellent, the thunder, hail and windstorm, were not. The camaraderie was unforgettable and so were the radio Contacts.

That was the catalyst. All my dad could talk about on the way home was forming a club so that we could have our own field day maybe we could have it on Fort Boreman Hill etc. etc. etc.

(Note Parkersburg Amateur Radio Klub is having Field Day at Fort Boreman Hill this year also.)

Anyway, the club idea was kicked around with Dupy, Ray Smith, W8HUG, Gene Grow, W8BVQ and sometimes others, in the game room of our house while the bylaws were being hammered out and names could be decided upon.

Our bylaws I remember were quite specific you had to be a licensed amateur to be a member, what a bummer! I was probably as well prepared as my dad was at that time because I had helped him study for his ticket for at least a year, but at that time my major interest were cars and girls, ( do I have that in the right order?) I don’t know but back to the subject.

Blennerhassett was chosen as the name because it was felt that everybody would feel at home. It was felt that using a city name would be to local, and some people may not feel welcome.

There were nine original members of the club, if there were others I can’t recall them. This all occurred about 1948. In May 1949 my dad became a silent key and my interest in the radio stopped for about nine years. I’m sure there are others that can tell you more history of the Blennerhassett Amateur Radio Club.

Note: Mark Schauwecker became a SK in 2020.

Parkersburg Amateur Radio Klub is still around, so that gives us about a 70 year history in the area. We are still meeting the Second Monday of each month we have a website, we sponsor 2 repeaters. One is N8NBL on 146.97 and the other is WD8CYV on 147.39.

We participate in field day at Fort Boreman Hill and sponsor a special event station at the Volcano Days in Cairo West Virginia, although they’ve been canceled for the last two years because of cove it 19.

We are an ARRL affiliated club.